Our Portland trip was a blast! We had such a great time celebrating Cassady's graduation with her family and friends. And, our gracious hosts, Lizzy and Ray, spent the day with us on Saturday touring the city. I would love to share tons of pictures with you, but unfortunately I'm a total failure at capturing great moments. I like to think that is because I'm too busy enjoying them! Thank goodness for iPhones and Instagram, or I would never take a picture of anything! Here are a few Instagram faves of the trip taken by Hubby and me.
No trip to Portland is complete without a Voodoo Doughnut stop. |
The weather was beautiful, and the drive home on Sunday was picturesque (until we hit the Washington border). I swear that the scenery became instantly boring the second we passed from Oregon into Washington.
The following weekend was just as awesome as the Portland trip weekend. Hubby rented an Air Force cabin a couple hours north of us so we could spend the weekend with our group of Spokane friends. One of these friends is moving back to California in a couple of weeks, :( so this trip was kind of a farewell party. The weekend was full of relaxing, eating a lot of
"Hey guys, look what I found!" Otto's new favorite chew toy. |