Sunday, June 10, 2012

Pictures in the Park

Hubby is teaching in the woods this week and being more hard core than Bear Grills, so it's just the dog and me. Due to crappy rainy weather, Otto and I spent yesterday lounging on the couch watching Sweeney Todd and several episodes of Friday Night Lights. FNL was a college favorite, and watching it has brought back great memories of times with awesome friends. (You know who you are). :)
Today was a 180 degree turn from yesterday's laziness. Thanks to motivation from the sunshine and moderate temperature, I took Otto for a walk to a nearby park after church. I took hubby's Canon Rebel along to take some pictures. A word of advice: don't attempt to take decent pictures while holding a leash that is attached to a hyper Weimaraner. Otto likes to keep my life frustrating interesting. The photos turned out less than professional, but it was still fun. After our walk, I mowed the lawn, did a 100 Workout, and took Otto for a run. To make the day even better, I had phone calls from my parents and father-in-law. I even got to FaceTime with my brother, sister-in-law, and silly niece, Nicole. She was happy to show off for me on her new slide and tell me all of the animal sounds she knows. She's only 16 months old. She's a little smarty pants. :) I feel good about today. A phone call from Hubby would be icing on the cake. How about 1 little bar of service, Verizon?!

Here's that 100 Workout, if you're interested:
100 jumping jacks
90 sit ups
80 squats
70 leg lifts
60 jumping jacks 
50 sit ups 
40 squats
30 leg lifts
20 jumping jacks
Run for 10 minutes

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