Thursday, April 26, 2012

Goodbye Wisdom Teeth, Hello Ben & Jerry's

This post will probably seem redundant to any of you who follow me on Facebook or Instagram, but in the interest of telling the stories behind the pictures, I thought I would re-share them anyway. Plus, I need to do something with my lazy self. It's 11:45 am, and I'm still in my pj's, people! TMI, I know.

Did anyone else enjoy getting their Wisdom Teeth removed? Ok, maybe the surgery itself wasn't that special, but I was knocked out, so whatever. I was expecting all sorts of horrible things to happen. I presumed my face would swell up like a chipmunk and turn all colors of the rainbow. However, thus far I've been pleasantly surprised at the aftereffects of having four molars cut and yanked out of my jaw. My fingers are crossed that my earlier fears aren't waiting to show up just in time for our trip to Portland this weekend! Not to toot my own horn or anything, but yesterday I did three loads of laundry, took Otto for two walks, cooked and pureed carrots, and made dinner for friends of ours who just had a baby. Maybe the pain meds and lovely weather gave me an extra boost of motivation! All of the sugar might have something to do with it, too! Froyo and Bolthouse Farms smoothies have a lot of sugar, but if you can't indulge in something smooth and delicious when you've had teeth yanked out, when can you?!
Today, however, pup and I are pretty content to snuggle on the couch while reading and surfing the good ol' internet. Could the rain and 50s have anything to do with that? I have a nice long to do list waiting for me in the kitchen. It's mostly cleaning, and who wants to do that? We'll see if motivation finds me again. Miracles happen everyday, right?
Lizzy and Cass

Back to that Portland trip this weekend! Cassady, one of my bff's is graduating from college on Saturday! Hubby and I are driving down tomorrow afternoon and coming home on Sunday. My lovely friend, Lizzy and her hubby are kind enough to let us crash with them! I'm so excited to see my beautiful college friends. They're awesome people. Ironic fact: Cassady, Lizzy and I all met at Roberts Wesleyan College in Rochester, NY where we were soccer teammates and instant friends. Now, we're all West Coasters living less than six hours from each other! God does cool things like that.

1 comment:

  1. today is the PERFECT day to be all curled up with your dog and a book! Enjoy :) glad to hear it's going well. I was out of it the first day and then it was okay. There are far worse surgeries! Glad you had an OK experience too.
