Saturday, April 14, 2012

Spring Training

This week was absolutely beautiful! It only rained once, which is pretty incredible considering the cold/rainy weather we've been clouded with recently. Those sunny 60 degree days yielded large doses of motivation to get outside and exercise! My April Goals have also been highly motivational in the fitness and healthy eating categories. I'm happy to report that I crossfitted 3 times per week, and this week I met my 6 miles per week goal! I know that running 6 miles in a week doesn't sound like much. However, I work through all of the daylight hours on Monday and Tuesday, which exempts them from being possible running days.
Friday, on the other hand, is a glorious running day! I have Fridays off. Go ahead and be jealous of my 3-day weekends. ;) Yesterday morning
I tied my running shoes, clipped Otto's chewed up retractable leash to his collar, and ran a couple of miles around the South Hill. My running buddy did great, especially after running 3+ miles with Hubby on Thursday! This dog has an unlimited energy supply. In the afternoon, I had a really good Crossfit workout, too! Yesterday's WOD was "Lynne:" 5 rounds of max bench press reps followed by max pull ups. I did this workout several weeks ago with a 65 lb. bench press. This time, I did it with 75 lbs. for a total of 54 reps and 50 total pull ups! I'm so encouraged to see my strength improving. I could barely do 1 pull up when I started Crossfit. Holla!
This morning, Hubby and I took Otto for a run through Manito Park. My arms were ridiculously sore/tight from yesterday's WOD, but it was so much fun to run in the sunny
park as a little family. :) To top off our Spring Saturday, some of our wonderful friends stopped by this afternoon for our first BBQ! Isn't grilling out with friends and family one of the best parts of Spring and Summer? I'm a fan.

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